The Man Who Writes
Part III

– autobiography –

Liviu Codreanu Author's Blog - John Slivery

I do not want to be praised for what I write. Pride will get to my head and that will make me dizzy. Only criticism can improve my writing. Because I want to get better at what I do. As for my writings, they will appear as I can shape them… There is no such thing as a writer’s costume. In any case…

it is not the cover that the book
should be judged by.

Every man needs to express themself. Every bit of my being pushes me to write. It is part of my life. So, I reckon I’m just… A man who writes. If readers will think to place me in the writer’s guild, that will be enough for me. I will feel, for example, like a singer who wins the big prize at the Grammy Awards or the American Music Awards. Except that a writer is not like a singer. The latter creates a song and can become famous very quickly via social media. A writer, on the other hand, needs many days and nights of brain work, vast amounts of information storage, analysis and research. All the nooks and crannies of the brain need to be opened up to store the results of a multitude of research and study sessions necessary for the work to which the writer has dedicated himself. In the world of writing, fame is hard to come by, but when the writer has achieved it, he feels a kind of satisfaction as if he were to climb to great heights and from there look down on the world with the values of wisdom. That is why I don’t expect to win the world’s favor so quickly.

Easy success
is not sustainable.

In all my writings I try to bring out the essence. The essence of creative writing that will pierce the reader page by page and envelop them in emotion, then make their soul vibrate and cause their mind to be enriched. In that moment, I know that the reader is gripped in the depths of their being by the power of the words and will not abandon the writing until it is finished. I am using the events my eyes see or my ears hear and mix them with others, putting into them the philosophical essence of literature. This is what I seek to offer my readers. A pure essence that comes close to perfection. For me, literature is a sort of art of metamorphosis. I extract the essence of a story I have learned about, then seek to find the truth. Having found it, I reduce the event to its absolute teaching. Only then do I begin to recreate it, to transform it into another story. Therefore, a man who writes can be likened to a philosopher. The experience of philosophical readings leads me to ask questions in order to discover the essence of truth in the minds of others. A man’s memory is fragile, life is short, and we will not be able to see the connection between events, we will not be able to have a true evaluation of things, if we do not write them down. If, later on, we want to research the events of the past, we will have them already written down, being able to make a correct comparison between what really happened and the fiction added to the present, without the possibility of being mistaken about the truth.

The philosopher Nietzsche gave a definition to the man who seeks wisdom in the world’s mess:

' You must have chaos within
you to give birth to a dancing star.'

However, what was Nietzsche referring to? Chaos or Chaos? In Greek mythology, Chaos is the primordial element of the Hesiodic theogony. It denotes a profound opening, here in the sense of Enlightenment. This is why I feel the need to rephrase Nietzsche’s phrase by my own definition:

When a mind is trained to receive information, along with Chaos, Chaos itself can have a natural order.

Past, present and future, run simultaneously through my whole being, without creating the usual chaos, characteristic of a crowded mind, due to the multitude of information and research done. I isolate myself from people when I author my books in order to achieve a deep state of mind. At the same time, I have adopted the philosophical belief of anthropocentrism as well as vegetarianism. This is because the human spirit cannot approach truth and perfection by eating corpses, be they of species other than man.

‘Anthropocentrism is a philosophical conception according to which man is the most significant central entity of the Universe and which understands reality through the prism of the unique human perspective.’

Not only for this I write everything down, but also for generations to come. I want to leave a legacy that not many manage to leave to the world. I have always told myself that everyone has a purpose in the world. Whether it is a lot or a little, the contribution of each one of us is important to the progress of the society in which we live. However, I do not want to remain just a name on a stone slab that will crumble in time. I have set out to play a role that goes beyond the nature of ordinary human beings. I wish to reveal to readers, through my writings, a world that only the eyes of the mind of a man who creates can see. I want to put down on paper the things I see, feel and live in when my imagination flies and fantasy transports me somewhere far away from the human world. I see beyond the human being, beyond the flesh, I see the turmoil and the experiences of the spirit that gave us the breath of life. They are different from our consciousness. They live in the conscious and subconscious at the same time, understanding the world and all that is happening as if it were a new history not yet expressed. They use the power of the conscious to command the subconscious to act with reason and discernment, thus understanding the law of our spirit. Since the beginning of time, certain people have imposed us to believe that it is a divine law. I am convinced that this is just a misperception. Because it has been induced by imposed and, at the same time, wrong concepts. One way or another, it is true, this law coordinates our lives. The introspection of my being has ingrained in me the idea that it is nothing but the force of our spirit that endows us at birth. The struggles of the spirit that keeps the flesh alive are sometimes battles between life and death. There, all the things I write about are really happening. For that is how I discovered the motivation of my life.

Everyone must have
a purpose in life.

I… I set out to find, in the rest of my remaining life, The Grail. People will think it’s a very lofty goal. And that it is unreachable or that it is an illusory goal. Because most people have the conviction made up by those same misconceptions that such an aspiration refers to the cup from which Jesus drank when, according to the Christian view, his last supper took place. These are just legends. The truth is far from being understood in this way. Such theories have been foisted on the common people who will never have time to investigate. The search for the Grail is marked by real spiritual, even psychological, dangers. The seeker will always encounter adverse people who will divert his search. In many legends this quest represents perfection. Real or mythical, a certain perfection exists. It can be equated with this Grail, considered by some to be sacred, a consideration that has given rise to many conspiracies, and has made it so precious, which is why it has been given inestimable value. Quite rightly, the perfection of knowledge is an elusive goal, a crown that will crown the work of the one who is in search of it. In reality, the idea of giving the Grail the identity of an object was driven by those who had previously found Sophia. And who have fought not to give to the common people what they had striven a lifetime to find. It was human jealousy, mostly to motivate lost years, while others went about their ordinary life goals. In Greek Sophia means wisdom, but in reality, encoding this wisdom under the symbol of a simple word can indicate something much more grandiose. In Hebrew, Sophia is spelled Chokmah and is a female figure described in the Tanakh the Old Testament. In occult psychology, Chokmah is associated with the sudden perception of the flash of insight, entitled enlightened intelligence. WisdomSophiaChokmah is the ability to examine reality at its most abstract level to the point of being able to perceive what is, in fact, the fundamental truth. This kernel of truth feeds the prolific understanding which will produce the discovery of a well formulated and well understood analysis. This perception is associated with Psalm 34:8: Taste and see that the Lord is good, in which the explanation of the inner and spiritual sense of taste, conveyed by Chokmah precedes that of vision.

The Bible translators did not
give the world the truth.

Because they themselves have not been enlightened in this regard. The translation of the pages of the Book of Proverbs shows that ChokmahSophia is God’s partner. She is the one who advises him and has great influence in implementing his decisions. In Gnostic cosmology, Sophia is a main character. In the Nag Hammadi texts her name is written Pistis Sophia. It has a connection to the name of Mary Magdalene, as well as with the great conspiracies that stood behind the birth of both Christianity and the other adjacent religions.

About these conspiracies,
I invite you to discover more in my following writings.

In the occult system that underpinned medieval and Renaissance magic, the Kabbalah, Chokmah is the key to Gnostic interpretation. Also, Chokmah it is the representation of the Greek goddess Athena, called Sophia in some circles. Even Isis, the goddess in the Egyptian mythology, was given this name. Many religious orders have hidden this name in various symbols because they were always in search of a forbidden wisdom and closed by the powerful ruling of the Vatican. However, those who wanted the perfection of knowledge rejected the imposed deity and worshipped no other god. In the true schools of the mysteries, they were always in a constant search of the SophiaChokmah wisdom.

They, like myself,
have similarly found the true value of
this object considered to be mysterious.

For me it is a treasure in my heart and in the depths of my mind. Every day I strive to bring this wisdom to light. To the true light of conscience, which requires me to reveal to the world what I am researching. Enlightenment must be sought, and when you make the test of perseverance, in most cases, your whole being will be cleansed and enlightened. The search for the personal Grail symbolizes, for my being, something that runs through each of our lives every day. It depends on us whether we have the desire for knowledge, whether we have the understanding of what is happening or whether we remain indifferent to all the events of life. The Grail is the wisdom that places the man who makes progress in the search for it above those who do not seek it. What I have found so far leads me to believe that I am on the right track. However, through all my efforts to transform the old man into a man in whom wisdom is ever present, I have discovered a mystery that opens up new dimensions of knowledge. It is my firm belief that a man who writes cannot be called a complete writer if he does not know French. You will discover, whether I have justified this reasoning well or not, only by trying to know this language. One more thing! I am researching and exploring into the depths of the secret history of the world, secrets which the rulers of past centuries have tried to hide from the eyes of ordinary people. I aim to reveal to my readers today, and to future generations, some of the mysteries of this world that many of them ignore. I manage to see, in this space of writing, the spirit of all the eras I write, read and study about. Ideas and theories, hypotheses and research that I want to transmit to the world through my books and stories. Every man has a beautiful story, along with thoughts, wishes and memories. I have discovered inside myself that I have so much to talk about them that at the end of my life I’ll regret not having begun writing earlier. However, while I still have time left to live, I will always write with the same love. From me to the readers who love my writing, whom I consider my friends. There is in my heart the feeling of giving, or, as Goethe said:

„Man sees in the world
what is in his heart.“

However, not all people can see. I… try to convey my thoughts to you with love and skill. If one day you are no longer satisfied with my stories, perhaps you will start writing your own. Until then, I will always remain for you… ” The Man Who Writes “

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Daniel Eremia

Pot spune cu sinceritate că am uitat de când nu am mai citit ceva cu așa multă poftă. Prins poate în cursă șobolanului așa cum numesc eu ocupația mea profesională, aveam o scuză , am uitat de una dintre cele mai frumoase și prietenoase ocupații … de a fi cititor. Vă pot spune cu sinceritate, Domnule Codreanu ca “ Omul care Scrie” m-a re-setat complet și ca ați făcut de acum din mine un urmăritor fidel. Nici nu mai știu cum am ajuns aici pe blogul dumneavoastră ! Succes și aștept cu nerăbdare momentul să-l cunosc pe John Slivery! Ma bucur ca sunteți român!

Liviu-Ioan Codreanu

Domnule Daniel, vă mulțumesc pentru cuvintele de apreciere. Acestea sunt evenimentele care-mi dau puterea de a extrage din înăuntrul ființei mele esențele necesare pentru a scrie. Așa cum spun în Omul care scrie, criticii sunt doar cititorii mei. Pentru că ați precizat că autobiografia mea a retrezit în dumneavoastră dorința de a citi, vă propun să vă trimit primul volum din această serie fantasy, înainte de lansare, pentru ca apoi să aveți posibilitatea să scrieți opinia dumneavoastră într-o recenzie. Aș vrea să înțelegeți că această ofertă nu înseamnă că va trebui să scrieți în așa fel încât să-mi faceți mie o favoare, ca autor. Vreau să scrieți ceea ce vedeți, ceea ce simțiți și trăiți, în timpul lecturii. Dacă veți dori acest lucru, aștept ca ăn adresa de email să-mi trimiteți o adresă poștală unde să primiți cartea. Vă doresc un an plin de realizări frumoase. Liviu Ioan Codreanu.

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